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2016 Cooperate, The Creative Normal

Cultural and creative organizations are working together with other sectors. But our knowledge on how it functions, is limited and strongly oriented on the functioning of the individual level of these organizations.

2016 Cooperate, The Creative Normal, gives a comprehensive overview of the most dominant frameworks, cases, outlines and practical experiences on cooperation within the cultural and creative sectors and with the outside world.
The new book COOPERATE The Creative Normal is filling the gap between practice and knowledge. A must read for practitioners, lecturers, researchers, policy makers, business people and transition managers.

Almost twenty writers, all of them with hybrid positions in de cultural and creative sectors, are sharing their research, educational and practical experiences with the reader. This reader can use the experience offered within his or her own practice. This can be education and research, policy making and/or art management and cultural entrepreneurship. The capacity to cooperate on creativity is a quality of the 21st century to contribute to a sustainable world.

Cooperate; The Creative Normal, ISBN 9789463010818
EBURON Academic Publishers, 2016 (206 pg)


Creating Cultural Capital

2015 Creating Cultural Capital: Cultural Entrepreneurship in Theory, Pedagogy and Practice

In recent years, the global creative economy has experienced unprecedented growth. Considerable research has been conducted to determine what exactly the creative economy is, what occupations are grouped together as such, and how it is to be measured. Organizations on various scales, from the United Nations to local governments, have released ‘creative’ or ‘cultural’ economy reports, developed policies for creative urban renewal, and directed attention to creative placemaking – the purposeful infusion of creative activity into specific urban environments.

Parallel to these research and policy interests, academic institutions and professional organizations have begun a serious discussion about training programs for future professionals in the creative and cultural industries. We now have entire colleges offering undergraduate and graduate programs, leading to degrees in arts management, arts entrepreneurship, cultural management, cultural entrepreneurship or cultural economics. And many professional organizations offer specialized training and certificates in cultural heritage, museums studies, entertainment and film.

In this book, we bring together over fifty scholars from across the globe to shed light on what we collectively call ‘cultural entrepreneurship’ – the training of professionals for the creative industries who will be change agents and resourceful visionaries that organize cultural, financial, social and human capital, to generate revenue from a cultural and creative activity.

Olaf Kuhlke, Annick Schramme, Rene Kooyman (Ed) ISBN:9789059729902  Pioneering Minds Worldwide, 2015, 364 Pg.

Beyong Frames

2014 Beyong Frames: Dynamics between the creative industries, knowledge institutions and the urban context

Over the last decade, our society witnessed the rise of the creative economy. Initially as a provocative concept, that incited lively debates and certain scepticism inside academic circles, as well as on the part of some artists and professionals involved in the cultural sector as regards the lack of limits of its definition and applicability.

We have moved far beyond that phase. Complex interactions between formal and informal, commercial and non-commercial, instrumental and intrinsic notions of knowledge and creativity in the process of development were highlighted, demonstrating how cultural, technological, social and economic development can be valued and understood.

Annick Schramme, René Kooyman (Ed), Giep Hagoort; ISBN:9789059728844
Pioneering Minds Worldwide, 2014, 264 Pg

2012 Pioneering Minds Worldwide
On the Entrepreneurial Principles of the Cultural and Creative Industries

Even after the recent economic crisis, cultural and creative industries are still able to easily draw audience members and consumers, as well as new talent to enrich these fields. Exploring the topic from economic, artistic, and policymaking perspectives, Pioneering Minds Worldwide is an interdisciplinary approach to these trades on a global scale, while making an important distinction between the cultural sector—products that are consumed on the spot, such as concerts or dance performances—and the creative sector, which generates artistic products that we have a protracted interaction with, i.e. design, architecture, and advertising. The authors of these highly informative essays offer new concepts and viewpoints on the entrepreneurial dimension of the cultural and creative industries in sixteen countries and explore how urban area development, new technological innovations, and education all influence these continually expanding industries.

Giep Hagoort, Aukje Thomassen, and Rene Kooyman (Ed), June 2012, destributed by Chicago University Press, 280 pg 

EU Creative Urban Renewal (CURE) 2011 07 EU Creative Urban Renewal: Creative Zone Innovator (CZI)
Conceptual Framework, Criteria ans Indicators

Six EU cities - Bruges (BE), Colchester (GB), Dinslaken (DE), Dublin (IRL), Edinburgh (GB), Hagen (DE), Kettwig (DE), Lille (FR) and Utrecht (NL) - cooperate in order to support the entrepreneurial spirit within the creative zones. This document develops the theoretical notions and concepts behind the project.

Rene Kooyman , Utrecht  July 2011 , 33 pg

European Dimension Cultural Creative Indsutries

2010 12 EU Study: The entrepreneurial dimension of the cultural and creative industries (EDCCI)

The impact of culture and creativity or ‘culture‐based creativity' has attracted much attention in the debate on fostering and unlocking the potential of a European ‘creative economy’ thriving on its innovative potential. The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) offer the opportunity to bring essential change in non‐technological innovation for products and processes.  CCI enterprises, in particular SMEs, have specific characteristics that may separate them from 'regular' entrepreneurship. They frequently operate in specific market conditions, produce goods that are 'cultural' by nature, work with people who are often more content‐driven than commercially oriented and usually create very small enterprises (micro‐ SMEs) that may exist on the basis of permanent networks. The use of different strategies by these micro‐SMEs is necessarily small‐scale, highly dynamic and requires risk‐taking in order to compete with more established enterprises that do not require such flexibility.

ISDN/EAN 978-90-817243-1-9   Rene Kooyman (Manging Editor) c.s. , Utrecht/Brussels dec 2010 ,  236 pg


2010 02 EU EACEA Interim Report

The EU EACEA Research Project is concentrating on the Entrepreneurial Dimension of SMEs within the Cultural and Creative Industries. This document follows the Preliminary Report, published in September 2009. The preliminary version of this report served as a frame of reference at the validation workshop that was held on 15 January 2010. The discussions were used to provide an initial validation of the findings presented here.

The report serves three purposes: it offers a state-of-affairs overview for the Steering Committee; it will provide input for the second expert validation workshop; and it provides an insight into the initial results of the research undertaken.

Rene Kooyman , Utrecht  February 2010 , 164 pg

RK Yearbook 2009

2009 12 Creative Industries, Colourful fabric in multiple dimensions

The Faculty of Art and Economics of the Utrecht School of the Arts (the Netherlands) has two main pursuits: education and research. The research group Art and Economics is focused on innovation to strengthen the quality of these two tasks. Staff members and (external) researchers are involved with this ongoing process of professionalization. This Creative Industries, Yearbook Art and Economics 2009 provides an insight to the problems they face.
Key words are cultural en creative entrepreneurship, cultural management, creative industries, creative cities, creative economy and last but not least C-SMEs.

ISBN/EAN: 978-90-5972-353-5  
Giep Hagoort & Rene Kooyman (Ed) , Utrecht dec 2009 , 224 pag

The Dutch: Being Unnoticed

2009 07 The Dutch: Being Unnoticed. The Creative Economy Revisited

For a number of years economists, social scientists, urban and regional planners have been interested in the relationship between the cultural, creative sector and economic development. In the summer of 2008 five international, global organizations: UNCTAD, UNDP, UNESCO, WIPO and ITC have collectively published their Creative Economy Report 2008. The vast publication presents an overview of recent thoughts and theories regarding the Creative economy. It tackles the major issues regarding the economic facts and figures, collected during the period of 2000 – 2005. 

The publication did receive a modest reception in the Netherlands. Moreover, when studying the list of publications collected for the Report it was noticed that there were hardly any Dutch authors present, or international contributions published by Dutch authors in the study. 
ISBN 978-90-71759-41-3   Author: Rene Kooyman , Utrecht  June 2009 , 113 pg

Clichy France

2009 01 Clichy sans Cliché: Stedelijke vernieuwing in Clichy-sous-Bois, France. Verschillen en overeenkomsten met de Nederlandse aanpak (In Dutch)

Dit project is gericht op een stedebouwkundige analyse van de banlieu Clichy-sous-Bois, een voorstadje dat internationale bekendheid heeft gekregen als de brandhaard van de rellen van 2005, en waar de vernieuwingsprojecten inmiddels in volle gang zijn.

In deze vergelijkende analyse wordt gekeken naar de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de stedelijke vernieuwing in Clichy-sous-Bois en Nederland op de aspecten samenwerking, aansturing, doelstellingen en behaald resultaat.

José Goud, Marieke van Gurp, René Kooyman, Bart Verschure, Laura Wille   Utrecht, jan 2009 , 23 pag

2003 09 Marketing Offshore Financial Services

The offshore sector has a long history. The European continent is serviced by offshore finance centres (OFCs) that have been structured decades ago.
Central in this study is the relationship between the client and the financial service provider (FSP). It studies the financial marketplace taking the regulatory context into account. Our study concentrates on the FSPs that offer international financial and legal structures in order to create an adequate strategy to execute an optimal tax planning.
The Study concentrates on the International Competition and Cooperation, the Internal and Exrernal Marketing.

Rene Kooyman. UNIGE Geneve 2003 , 56 pag



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